To: Students Enrolled in Spring 2017

From: Office of the Registrar - Final Exams

Subject: Spring 2017 Final Exam Schedule Announced 

Date: February 13, 2017

Spring 2017 Final Exam Schedule Published

We are pleased to announce the Spring 2017 Final Examination Schedule (May 8 – 12) is now available to campus on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Students may access their official individual final exam schedules online via MyUI

Note: Final exam information posted to a student’s individual final exam schedule is based on current course enrollment information.

Accessing Your Schedule.  Detailed instructions are available online.

  • Log into MyUI.
  • Under “Student Information,” click on “More.”
  • Under “Courses and Grades,” select “Final Exam Schedule.”

Student Exam Conflicts.  Students identified with qualified exam conflicts who wish to request a makeup exam, according to exam precedence rules, need to speak with their course instructor by March 1st

Review of Schedule.  Students are strongly recommended to review their official individual final exam schedule, especially prior to the start of final exams, for each course section in which they are enrolled to ensure they have the most accurate and up-to-date information. 

Policies and Additional Information.  The final examination schedule, examination policies and additional informational resources may be found on the Office of the Registrar’s website.  Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to all university examination policies.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Registrar Service Center by phone at (319) 384-4300 or by email at

Thank you!