Colleges and Schools within the University of Iowa and their grading structure.

Colleges and Schools and Grading Information
Colleges and Schools Pass Marks Non-Pass Marks
Tippie College of Business From 1981 A B C D   PS F N
College of Dentistry From 1978 A B C D R S F  
College of Education From 2017 A B C D R PS F N
College of Engineering From 1981 A B C D R PS F N
Graduate College
*Not accepted toward a graduate degree
From 1966 A B C D* R S F U
College of Law
*Describes the lower limit for equivalent letter grade
From 2005 3.6* 2.7* 2.1* 1.8* R P 1.5  
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences From 1981 A B C D R PS F N
Tippie Graduate and Professional Programs
*Not accepted toward a graduate degree
From 2000 A B C D* R S F U
Carver College of Medicine From 1997 H
P     R P F  
College of Nursing From 1981 A B C D R PS F N
College of Pharmacy From 1981 A B C D   PS F N
College of Public Health
*Not accepted toward a graduate degree
From 2000 A B C D* R S F U
University College From 2005 A B C D R PS F N