Information to familiarize you with your registration process, important terminology and significant deadline dates, and how it all affects you is included here. You will use MyUI, the Iowa Student Information System, to navigate as a student throughout your stay at the University of Iowa.
For the collegiate policies and procedures of your college, consult the collegiate web sites for the most current information or your collegiate dean’s office.
Overview and Student Responsibilities
As a University of Iowa student, it is your responsibility to obtain proper admission through the Office of Admissions prior to registration and to follow registration procedures.
MyUI will provide a convenient gateway to key student systems and services and will serve as a hub for students to access several of the UI systems and tools they use most. You can search or browse the course listings without logging in. Students can login to MyUI to check their eligibility to register for future sessions, change their residing address, view their University bill or their grades, order an official transcript, and more.
Current Students
Students must meet certain criteria before they can register at The University of Iowa, this sections describes procedures for currently enrolled students at the University of Iowa.
New Students
Students must meet certain criteria before they can register at The University of Iowa, this section describes procedures for students who have never been enrolled at the University of Iowa.
Returning / Re-Entering Students
Students must meet certain criteria before they can register at The University of Iowa, this section describes procedures for students who have previously been enrolled at the University of Iowa and are returning.
Changes in Registration
Changes in registration must be initiated by the student in MyUI. It is the student's responsibility to be properly registered. For justifiable reasons, departmental and collegiate offices may initiate changes in registration.
If you decide to drop all your course work (even if you are only registered for one course) during the semester, you must process a Withdrawal of Registration.
Absence from Class
If a student misses or will be missing a class or classes, please click here for information.