This page provides updates and instructions as Course Offering policies and procedures evolve. Please choose a session or topic below to view Course Offerings guidelines and instructions. 

Course Offering Updates by Session

Spring 2022 - Delivery Mode Names and Definitions Updated

Please note: The Office of the Registrar has resumed normal operations; the following information reflects historical operational and policy updates due to COVID-19.  

See the University of Iowa COVID-19 website for the most up to date information.

For spring 2022, only one Hybrid delivery mode will be utilized in MAUI. The Hybrid with Rotation and Hybrid without Rotation delivery modes will be discontinued in August 2021. Course Offerings with either of those delivery modes will be converted to the new Hybrid delivery mode by Office of the Registrar staff. 

Updates to Delivery Mode Names and Definitions

As we continue to solidify best practices implemented during our previous COVID-19 impacted sessions, the Office of the Registrar is updating terminology used in MAUI and in MyUI to be more transparent and concise as it relates to our instructional delivery mode indicators.  Through use of consistent and clear language, communication to our students and departments can be improved.  Reporting processes will also benefit indirectly.  Therefore, the following refinements are now live in MAUI Course Planner and MyUI.

Summary of Changes

Web to Online

Definition - This course will be taught only through an internet-based learning platform

Face-to-Face to In-Person

Definition - This course will be held face-to-face in a physical instructional space

Hybrid definition is revised for further clarity that students do not choose between in-person and online.

Definition - A course in which the instructor determines the combination of in-person and online instruction

Registration Status Only (New)

Definition – A course mode in which registration is required to maintain an enrolled status

Please visit the Delivery Modes page for additional information. 

Departments should utilize the MyUI Course or Section Description fields to provide additional information to students about how the course will function. 

Spring 2022 - Distance and Online Education "EX" Sections

The following changes will be made beginning with spring 2022 offerings:

  • We will use the word "Online" rather than WWW/World Wide Web or WWW/Plus Meeting in the (City) Time/Location field

Synchronous: the entry will reflect the time of day and day of the week meeting pattern with the word "Online."


Image shows time/location information with a set meeting pattern and "Online" in the City location field.


Asynchronous: the entry will reflect ARR "Asynchronous Online"


Image shows time/location ARR with "Synchronous Online" listed in the City field.


Delivery Mode Updates

  • Hybrid: The Delivery Modes will be replaced for all DOE courses that have both Face to Face and Web Delivery modes. The Office of the Registrar team will update the Delivery Mode to Hybrid for all spring 2022 sections already submitted. 
  • Fully Online: Discontinue use of Virtual Classroom (synchronous, scheduled online meeting) as a Delivery Mode. The Virtual Classroom Delivery Mode will be inactivated in MAUI after all offerings have been identified and updated for spring 2022. The offerings will reflect only Web Delivery Mode going forward.

Fall 2021

Please note: The Office of the Registrar has resumed normal operations; the following information reflects historical operational and policy updates due to COVID-19.  

See the University of Iowa COVID-19 website for the most up to date information.

The following information is relevant for fall 2021 courses, and will be updated as new information becomes available.

  • Fall 2021 courses published to MyUI on March 1. We will continue to process new course and course change requests in the order they are received. As a reminder, when a course is sent through for revisions, the course is temporarily unavailable for students to use while building schedules in MyUI.
  • Despite shift in campus policy on May 20, 2021, it was determined that all lectures with opt enrollment 150 or greater which were previously adjusted to Web delivery mode will remain as listed due to ongoing registration and first-year orientation commitments.   
  • We will resume the previous practice and policy that any section scheduled to be held as fully online/web Delivery Mode should be created as an EX* DOE section. However, lectures that will be manually adjusted by the Office of the Registrar, will retain their standard section number as an Academic Unit Course Management Type.
  • Planned return for pre-pandemic operations at pre-COVID capacity for in-person meetings, classes and aerosol generating activities to standard use in spaces without enhanced filtration.

Please direct questions about fall 2021 course offerings to Classroom Scheduling