

Each sample plan is associated with a Program of Study. The initiator, typically an academic advisor, ensures the department’s sample plans reflect current requirements and catalog information. 


Each academic unit is tied to a college. The collegiate level representative reviews the sample plans and verifies college requirements and preferences are met.

Sample Plan Team

The Sample Plan team in the Office of the Registrar is responsible for checking MAUI validations, data entry for newly created sample plans, data entry for updates, and monitoring the timeline.

Workflow Path and Stops


Stop 1: Sample Plan Team

  • Reviews plans and enters data
  • Communicates via email or phone for any additional information
  • While the Sample Plan team is entering data into MAUI the plan may not be viewable since it is “In Progress” status (Sample Plan is being worked on by Sample Plan staff and is not ready to be viewed by the department initiator)
  • Approves workflow, plan is now in "Pending" status (Sample Plan has been entered by Sample Plan staff and is awaiting department initiator and college approval)

Stop 2: Initiator

  • Receives updated form showing changes from previous plan
  • Can also view plan in MAUI
  • Verifies department requirements are met
  • Approves workflow
  • In special cases where a "Pending" status plan cannot be approved, it can be set to "Inactive" status (Sample Plan no longer represents accurate course information and/or accurate program requirements)

Stop 3: College

  • Verifies college requirements and preferences are met (for example: all General Education requirements appear, all college-specific requirements such as Tippie RISE appear, any sequencing requirements that certain courses need to be listed in certain years, etc.)
  • Approves workflow
  • In special cases where a "Pending" status plan cannot be approved, it can be set to "Inactive" status (Sample Plan no longer represents accurate course information and/or accurate program requirements)


  • After the plan is approved at the collegiate level, the plan is listed in MAUI as Approved. The Sample Plan team will mark these as Published when it is time to load them into the catalog and MyUI.