Tuition webpages contain information about the various expenses a student may encounter when they apply to, are admitted to, and/or are enrolled in courses at, the University of Iowa.
- Tuition and mandatory fees, course fees, and some of the Common and University/Program Specific fees are applied when a student registers for courses.
- The financial consequences area explains financial consequences when a student drops a course or withdraws their entire registration after certain points in a session. Deadlines are listed on the Academic Calendar. There is also a Course Deadlines feature that can be used to view deadlines that apply to a specific course or section of a course.
- Common and University/Program Specific fees are approved by the Iowa Board of Regents.
- The Graduate Assistant/Fellow area contains information that pertains specifically to tuition and fees for graduate assistants or fellows.
- The tuition related links area contains links to other areas (Billing, Admissions) that contain financial information. It also contains a tuition appeal form that a student can use to appeal his or her tuition assessment if extenuating circumstances apply.
- The residency web pages provide important information about establishing residency for tuition purposes, rules, and regulations. Applications for residency are submitted using the Residency Application in MyUI.