FERPA Training and Certification for Instructors

To ensure the UI campus community is in compliance with FERPA regulations, all UI instructors, including TAs, are required to complete the online FERPA training module and quiz every three years. After having completed the training, instructors will be required to attest to an Annual Certification Notice on January 1st of each year in UI Self Service. Anyone needing administrative access to student records information in MAUI, beyond the class list information, must also complete the MAUI Access Request Form, which requires DEO approval.

Feb 2024 Updated FERPA Compliance Requirements 

FERPA Training Requirements for Instructors (Fall 2022)

FERPA Training Module

UI Faculty and Staff

To complete the online FERPA training module: 

  • View the WFERPA Training Module under "My Trainings" under Employee Self-Service 
  • Select "Enroll in Session"

UI Affiliates and Students

Those individuals that do not have an active University of Iowa HR appointment, such as students or UI Center for Advancement employees, must access FERPA training through Canvas (ICON).  You must have a valid HawkID to gain access to this module. There are two ways to gain access to the FERPA training site.

In-Person FERPA Training

Interested in in-person FERPA Training for your department, college or org?  Contact ui-ferpa@uiowa.edu.

In-person training is not a substitute for the online training mentioned above. Individuals will still need to complete FERPA training through employee self-service.

MAUI Access

Once you have successfully completed the FERPA course Module and quiz (with a score of 80% or better), your MAUI account can be activated.  If you are a new user, you will need to fill out the form requesting access to MAUI.  If you are just reactivating your MAUI account, after you have successfully passed the FERPA quiz you are still unable to login to MAUI, contact reg-access-maui@uiowa.edu . 

What Faculty and Staff Need to Know

This information includes basic FERPA information including your responsibility as a faculty/staff member, explanation of an Educational Record, and Frequently Asked Questions/Senarios from faculty/staff.

FERPA Handbook for Faculty and Staff

This handbook is designed for employees of the University of Iowa in administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff positions, including Campus Safety and UI Health Care staff.