Exceptions to Standardized Time-Block Model
All classes must follow the standard time-block model. If a department needs to appeal these class meeting times, the department chair, DEO, or ADA should complete the online Non-Standard Class Time Exception Request form for review. Any deviation from the specified start and end times must be approved by the departmental DEO and the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education (APUE), who will make the final decision. Courses scheduled outside the standard time-block model will be adjusted administratively by Classroom Scheduling. Due to the impact on student registration opportunities and classroom resources, few exceptions will be granted.
Exclusions to the Standard Time-Block Model (Fall and Spring Semesters)
- Undergraduate-level courses numbered below 5000 (or below 6000 for College of Engineering courses) can meet over 2 hours in a university classroom if the class starts at (1) 5:30 p.m. on M/W/F, (2) 5:00 p.m. on T/Th, or (3) on the half hour 6:30 p.m. or later.
- Graduate-level courses numbered 5000 and above (or 6000 and above for College of Engineering courses) can meet over 2 hours in a university classroom if the start time conforms to the standard class start time schedules.
Scheduling Exceptions and Replication - New for Fall 2025
Two new fields have been added within Offerings Planner which will facilitate Classroom Scheduling's ability to maintain approved scheduling exceptions. The new fields are "Scheduling Exception Start" and "Scheduling Exception End." After a non-standard class time exception request is approved, Classroom Scheduling will utilize these fields to indicate when the exception begins and if there is an end session for that exception. Many approved exceptions are only approved for one session.
Please note: If the Scheduling Exception End field shows an end session, this section WILL NOT automatically replicate for the next “like session” (fall to fall/spring to spring). Consequently, each individual section will need to be manually created with an approved standard class time, or you will need to reapply for a non-standard class time exception using the Non-Standard Class Time Exception Request form. If no end session shows in the Scheduling Exception End field, the section will replicate in the future as approved by Classroom Scheduling.