Summer Sessions

The following instructions pertain to ALL summer scheduling regardless of location.

  • Classes will not meet for more than three hours at one time during the six-, eight-, and twelve-week summer sub-sessions.
  • ALL Independent Study courses should be offered in either the eight-week or twelve-week summer sub-session.
    • Students enrolling via MyUI must register for Independent Study courses before the first day of the eight-week or twelve-week summer sub-session regardless of the actual offering dates arranged between the instructor and student.
    • The overall course for an Independent Study sets the number of weeks the actual sections are offered. That is, all IND sections of a course must be offered for either the eight-week or twelve-week summer sub-session. Sections cannot be combinations of sub-session durations.
  • Internships and zero s.h. (credit hours) courses should be offered in the six-, eight-, or twelve-week summer sub-sessions.
  • For the summer session, comprising the four-, six-, eight-, and twelve-week summer sub-sessions, the maximum semester hours allowed without approval are 12 s.h. for undergraduate students and 12 s.h. for graduate students. It is recommended courses meeting 4 s.h. have a short break built into the class time, yet maintain required contact minutes and adherence to standardized time frames.
  • See individual summer session details below regarding suggested class start times. It is encouraged that departmental teaching spaces follow a similar scheduling pattern to maximize student registration opportunities and campus energy savings.

The following instructions from this point below pertain only to University Classroom (UCR) spaces.

  • Each course must be scheduled to meet for the entire length of one of the summer sub-sessions or be designated as an off-cycle course that meets entirely within one of the six-week summer sub-sessions or during the four-week summer sub-session.
  • Generally speaking, classes will not meet on Fridays (workshops exempt). Fridays will be reserved for final examinations at the end of the given summer sub-session within standardized time frames as a scheduling option available to instructors. Fridays are left open to allow for classroom reservations, repairs, inspections, quizzes and general examinations. Any department who desires to offer a class on a Friday in a UCR space must submit the online Non-Standard Class Time Exception Request form to initiate the review for special exception.
  • The summer schedule accommodates for Memorial Day and the Fourth of July.
  • Off-cycle courses in UCR spaces are by special approval granted by the Office of the Registrar in MAUI Offerings Planner Approval process. These courses should be aimed at a special population of students, not regularly enrolled undergraduates; for example, Study Abroad, IIEP, or similar offerings.
  • Detailed information for summer session is outlined below.

Exceptions to Standardized Time-Block Model

All classes must follow the standard time-block model. If a department needs to appeal these class meeting times, the department chair, DEO, or ADA should complete the online Non-Standard Class Time Exception Request form for review. Any deviation from the specified start and end times must be approved by the departmental DEO and the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education (APUE), who will make the final decision. Courses scheduled outside the standard time-block model will be adjusted administratively by Classroom Scheduling. Due to the impact on student registration opportunities and classroom resources, few exceptions will be granted.

Exclusions to the Standard Time-Block Model (Fall and Spring Semesters)

  • Undergraduate-level courses numbered below 5000 (or below 6000 for College of Engineering courses) can meet over 2 hours in a university classroom if the class starts at (1) 5:30 p.m. on M/W/F, (2) 5:00 p.m. on T/Th, or (3) on the half hour 6:30 p.m. or later.
  • Graduate-level courses numbered 5000 and above (or 6000 and above for College of Engineering courses) can meet over 2 hours in a university classroom if the start time conforms to the standard class start time schedules.

Scheduling Exceptions and Replication - New for Fall 2025

Two new fields have been added within Offerings Planner which will facilitate Classroom Scheduling's ability to maintain approved scheduling exceptions. The new fields are "Scheduling Exception Start" and "Scheduling Exception End." After a non-standard class time exception request is approved, Classroom Scheduling will utilize these fields to indicate when the exception begins and if there is an end session for that exception. Many approved exceptions are only approved for one session.

Please note: If the Scheduling Exception End field shows an end session, this section WILL NOT automatically replicate for the next “like session” (fall to fall/spring to spring). Consequently, each individual section will need to be manually created with an approved standard class time, or you will need to reapply for a non-standard class time exception using the Non-Standard Class Time Exception Request form. If no end session shows in the Scheduling Exception End field, the section will replicate in the future as approved by Classroom Scheduling.

Enforcement of Scheduling Guidelines

The Office of the Registrar has been granted authority by the Office of the Provost to apply and enforce these policies for equitable distribution of university classroom facilities. If departmental appeal is desired, written justification of circumstance, approved by Departmental Chair, may be submitted to the Office of the Provost for further review. 

Right to Recall

Any special event reservation processed prior to the third week of either fall or spring semester will be scheduled with the right to recall.  However, unforeseen classroom emergencies that may arise will override this policy granting Classroom Scheduling authority to redistribute classroom assignments as necessary. This stipulation is placed on all events to ensure university classroom space availability for the schedule of courses which has the priority placement within these facilities. 

The user will be notified as soon as possible if the event must be relocated to alternate classroom accommodations. If no university classroom space is available, Classroom Scheduling will assist in locating other campus facilities for the relocated event.

Seat Fill Requirements

Departments whose maximum enrollment does not meet 60% or more of the available seats within a university classroom capacity may find reassignment to smaller teaching space initiated by Classroom Scheduling. We will take into consideration projected enrollments, actual enrollments, historical enrollments and semester timing.

Seat fill in certain situations might need to be lowered in the instances where classroom assignment is based on classroom need for particular seating, equipment or materials found in a home building location.

Typically, university classrooms are considered efficient when used a minimum of 32 hours per week [teaching week is based on 50 hour week, ten periods a day, five days per week] or at the targeted 35 hours per week or 70% utilization rate. 

Classroom Reassignment- Initiated by Classroom Scheduling

From time to time, relocation of courses may occur to accommodate a classroom upgrade or maintenance issue. Classroom Scheduling will exercise every effort in relocation to a suitable campus space.

Departments may pursue a room swap with another department by contacting the alternate departmental scheduler. If agreement is reached, Classroom Scheduling must be notified with details of the agreement. 

Help Session Policy

The following policies apply to use of the University Classrooms (UCR) by UI departments for help session assignments.  A help session is defined as an optional, secondary meeting time, not listed on MyUI, offered to students for further assistance or guidance in coursework.  Only departmental representatives may schedule help sessions in university classrooms.  Individual students are unable to secure university classrooms. 

University Classroom space is tight across our campus, especially during prime time hours, Monday thru Fridays.  Consequently, limited options exist for help session assignment during peak demand class times.  However, evening hours provide Classroom Scheduling with more flexibility in scheduling options therefore opening more opportunities for supplemental classroom usage.   

  1. One-Time Help Session Assignment
    • UCRs can be scheduled with the Right to Recall as soon as academic term has been downloaded to MyUI
    • Help session scheduling must follow standardized class time meeting patterns
  2. Semester-Long Help Session Assignment
    • During Prime Time (8:30 am – 5:20 pm M,W, F or 8:30 am – 4:50 pm T,R)
      1. One 50-minute period using a UCR can be scheduled with the Right to Recall during the prime time hours
      2. Assignment of prime time help session space can be scheduled at close of 2nd week of classes in a new academic term
      3. The help session must be scheduled same day and time for the duration of the semester
      4. Help session scheduling must follow standardized class time meeting patterns
      5. Any additional help session classroom assignments must be made during non-peak times (see next section)
    • During Non-Peak Times (5:30 pm M,W,F; 5:00 pm T, R or Weekends)
      1. UCRs can be scheduled immediately during the first week of classes in a new academic term
      2. There is no limit on the number of help sessions scheduled during non-peak class times. The maximum seating capacity for assignment is 96.
      3. The Help Session must be scheduled same day and time for the duration of the semester
      4. Help session scheduling must follow standardized class time meeting patterns
      5. The Help session must take place during operational building hours, unless prior approval granted by Classroom Scheduling

Departments are reminded to consider usage of on-line technology applications such as BBCollaborate (formerly known as E-luminate) as another forum for help sessions should coordination of common meeting times with student schedules become prohibitive.  Please contact the ITS Help Desk for more details at (319) 384-HELP (4357).