Absence from Class
If a student misses or will be missing a class due to illness, emergency, or extenuating circumstances they should contact their instructor as soon as possible regarding make-up work. A Student Absence Form may be used to report an absence to an instructor. If the absence is in the future the student should submit the forms to their instructors as soon as they know of the upcoming absence.
If a student is currently absent and it will be five or more consecutive days before they return and the absence is due to illness or other emergency, please contact the UI Service Center at 319-384-4300 or registrar@uiowa.edu. If the student is not able to contact the service center, the absence can be reported by someone else on the student's behalf. The service center will send an email with information on the absence to all of the student's current instructors, advisor, and the Academic Support and Retention Office, and Student Care and Assistance. A copy of the email will also be sent to the student. It will still be the student's responsibility to contact instructors as soon as possible regarding make-up work.
If the five or more day absence is in the future or is not reported before the student returns to attending classes then the student is not required to contact the UI Service Center. The student would use the Student Absence Form form to report the future or past absence to each instructor.