Footnotes may be used to give more information about a particular mile marker. Footnotes have a 500 characters (including spaces) length limit. In practice, shorter text descriptions are encouraged.
Global Footnotes
Some footnotes are used widely across multiple sample plans. These include:
Degree Audit:
- See degree audit for course options.
For CLAS (undergraduate level):
- GE CLAS Core courses may be completed in any order unless used as a prerequisite for another course. Students should consult with an advisor about the best sequencing of courses.
- This footnote is not typically included on RHET:1030 or ENGL:1200. It is important to preserve the sequencing for these mile markers and not communicate that they can be taken "in any order."
- Students who have completed four years of a single language in high school have satisfied the GE CLAS Core World Languages requirement. Enrollment in world languages courses requires a placement exam, unless enrolling in a first-semester-level course.
For colleges outside of CLAS (undergraduate level):
- GE courses may be completed in any order unless used as a prerequisite for another course. Students should consult with an advisor about the best sequencing of courses.
- This footnote is not typically included on RHET:1030 or ENGL:1200. It is important to preserve the sequencing for these mile markers and not communicate that they can be taken "in any order."
- Students are required to have completed the fourth-level proficiency in a single world language or the second-level proficiency in two different world languages.
- Tippie RISE: To fulfill the Tippie RISE experiential learning requirement, complete an approved course in at least one of the following categories: research with faculty, internship course, study abroad, or experiential course.
- Tippie College of Business 60 s.h. rule: ACCT, BUS, ECON, ENTR, FIN, MGMT, MSCI, and MKTG will not count towards non-business hours, with the exception of ECON:1100 and ECON:1200.
Major requirement also fulfills a GE requirement:
- Fulfills a major requirement and may fulfill a GE requirement.
General electives:
- Students may use elective courses to earn credit towards the total s.h. required for graduation or to complete a double major, minors, or certificates.
Offering availability:
- Typically this course is offered in fall semesters only. Check MyUI for course availability since offerings are subject to change.
- Typically this course is offered in spring semesters only. Check MyUI for course availability since offerings are subject to change.
Placement exams:
- Enrollment in chemistry courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
Sample Plan Footnotes
These footnotes are associated with a specific sample plan. They are not intended to be used widely across all sample plans.
When the Sample Plan team creates a footnote, MAUI validates any course numbers in the text. For example, MAUI will not allow "students must take at least two courses that are HIST:1003 or higher" if it is the case that HIST:1003 is not a real course number in Course Library. An acceptable alternative is "students must take at least two courses that are prefix HIST, numbered 1003 or higher."
Sample plans do not typically include information about prerequisite or corequisite requirements. We expect students to navigate to MyUI to find this information. MyPlan shows warning messages if the student is planning to take a course and they have not yet completed the prerequisites for that course.