FERPA Directory Information
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)(1974), also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education/academic records.
Educational records must not be released, except to authorized individuals, without written consent from the student. The general exception is directory information. FERPA allows individual colleges/universities to specify what is considered directory information on their campuses.
The University of Iowa has defined the following data elements as public information unless the student restricts access:
- Name
- Residing Address
- Residing Telephone number
- Permanent/hometown Address
- Hometown and state
- UI e-mail address (@uiowa.edu) - Dean of Student Reporting Correct Residential Address and E-mail Address Policy
- University of Iowa Hawk ID
- Programs of study (including but not limited to: majors, minor, certificates, classification, and degree objective)
- College(s) enrolled in
- Dates of attendance
- Full-time/part-time enrollment status
- Photographs and video recordings of students in public or non-classroom settings (photographs from classrooms or class related activities are NOT directory information)
- Participation in a study abroad program, not including location
- Degrees, certificates, honors, scholarships and awards received, not including monetary amounts, including those applied for during the current academic term;
- Participation in officially recognized university activities and sports
- Job title, employing department, work phone number, and work address when employed in a position that requires student status
- Previously attended educational agencies or institutions
Students can restrict either their directory information (items 2 through 6 above), their academic information (items 7 through 11 above), or both. This is accomplished on MyUI, under Student Records, Student Life Management, Restrict or Unrestrict Student Information.
The Dean of Students office has additional student record policy and directory information.
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