If a course is full and the department is using the waitlist option, students can join the course waitlist via MyUI. Students are added to the waitlist on a first-come, first-serve basis as long as they meet any course restrictions and have cleared any applicable registration holds. If a seat becomes available in a course, the next student on the waitlist is notified. The notified student is alerted via email, MyUI message, and text message that a seat in the course is available.
The offered seat will be available for 24 hours (including weekends and holidays) with additional notifications sent at 12 hours, 6 hours, and if the option for that seat in the course has expired. A student can accept or decline the seat via MyUI in a two-step process. In order for official enrollment to take place via the waitlist, the notified student must first accept the seat, review their adjusted schedule, and accept the offer. It is at the point of accepting the offer the student is officially enrolled in the course.
The MyUI opportunity for a student to join a waitlist and accept or decline a seat is available as long as MyUI is open for registration. Waitlists become inactive or expired on Day 6 of the Fall and Spring session for semester length courses. Waitlists become inactive for Winter and Summer courses the day the course begins. Waitlists for any off cycle course in any session become inactive the day the course begins. Students can initiate an add in MyUI for the course that is no longer waitlisted. If all permissions are obtained the student can complete the add in MyUI.
Please click HERE to be directed to the MyUI student waitlist process.