Efficient utilization of campus-wide instructional space is critical to meet the needs of growing student enrollments. Scheduling strategies are being implemented by the Office of the Provost to increase collaboration, better match teaching pedagogy with instructional space, improve campus-wide academic facility utilization, and optimize the use of instructional spaces across campus through centralization.
Consistent with the recommendations of Ad Astra Information Systems resulting from TIER and guided by the Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM), the University of Iowa's official inventory of campus instructional spaces was audited for modification effective July 1, 2017, which coincides with curriculum planning for Summer 2018. As a result of this initiative, all instructional space officially classified as "Classroom" will reside under the scheduling control and management of Classroom Scheduling. In some circumstances, shared scheduling/management may occur with colleges/departments.
Three new categories of instructional space have been created: University Classrooms, Programmed Classrooms, and Specialty Spaces.
Instructional Space Categories
Definitions of University Classroom, Programmed Classroom, and Specialty Space.
University Classrooms and Specialty Spaces
Search for UCRs and Specialty Spaces using multiple filters to find spaces you need.