Degree Audits
The degree audit is an academic planning tool that allows students and advisors to review programs of study (POS) and progress toward completion of university, college, and major, minor, or certificate requirements.
- Declared audits can be used to track progress toward declared majors, minors, and certificates.
- What if? audits can be used to assess how current coursework and credits apply toward completion of non-declared majors, minors, or certificates.
Degree audits are planning tools only and are not meant to take the place of meeting with an academic advisor. Students should meet with their assigned advisor at least once a semester to ensure they understand degree requirements, are taking necessary prerequisites and following correct course sequences, and are making progress to complete all degree and program requirements in the appropriate time.
The Office of the Registrar encodes degree audits using the requirements that appear in the General Catalog and the audits display the requirements that correspond with the semester the POS was declared. For example, a student who declares a major in fall 2021 will be held to the requirements listed for the major in the 2021-2022 General Catalog even if the requirements were changed for fall 2022.
Not all colleges and POS currently have degree audits; refer to the requirements in the General Catalog if an audit does not exist.
Request a Degree Audit
Students and advisors should request an audit each time they meet or want to review progress toward degree and program requirements to make sure that the audit being used includes any recent registration or grade changes, addition of transfer or study abroad coursework, and is as complete and up-to-date as possible.
- Learn How to Request a Degree Audit
- Review the Degree Audit Tutorial
Helpful Links
- MyUI
- Search for Transfer Courses
- Academic Deadlines
- Verify Enrollment or Grades
- Apply to Graduate
- Audit Retention Plan