Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)(1974)
FERPA, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education/academic records.
In 1974, Congress enacted FERPA to guarantee students access to their educational records and to prohibit dissemination of educational records without the student's consent.
Directory Information
Educational records must not be released, except to authorized individuals, without written consent from the student. The general exception is directory information. FERPA allows individual colleges/universities to specify what is considered directory information on their campuses. The link above provides a listing of what the University of Iowa considers directory information.
Accessing Student Records
Release of Student Records (Parent and Third Parties)
Student Record Consent - Completing the Student Record Consent form allows school officials to release or discuss information that you select (e.g., grades or financial aid) in either oral or written form, with the individuals you specify.
Guest Accounts - Guest Accounts allow individuals you select to have viewing privileges in MyUI. For Billing, the Guest User can view and discuss U-Bill related information and schedule payments to the student U-Bill with a secure login.
Student Records Policy
The Student Record Policy states student's general FERPA right. The policy is administered by the Dean of Students.
The Dean of Students office has additional student record policy and directory information.