Grades Help Pages
Instructors and academic administrators should use MAUI ( to submit attendance reports, midterm delinquencies, final grades, and grade changes. After logging into MAUI with your HawkID and password, check the "Messages and Alerts" box for important information about course lists and grades.
Admin Grading Reports and Tools
A list of reports and tools available to administrators and when to use them.
MAUI Step-by-Step Instructions
Policy Information
Attendance, Midterm, and Final Grade Reporting
Additional Grades Information
Grading Option Change Form
Links to the form used to change a student's grading option from letter grades to pass/non-pass (P/N), satisfactory/fail (S/F), or satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) grades for a specific course.
Grading Schedules
The UI Grade Run schedule and attendance, midterm, and final grades deadlines by session.
Grading System
An explanation of grades and grade points.
Grades Terminology and Definitions
An explanation of grades terminology and workflow business rules.