The following information pertains to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tippie College of Business, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Nursing, College of Public Health, University College, and the Graduate College.
Carver College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Law, and College of Pharmacy maintain their own exam schedules.
How To Request Evening Midterm Exams
Evening midterm exam needs are submitted online via the Course Offerings Exam Needs tool in MAUI. Academic departmental administrators with course creation/edit access are able to submit evening midterm exam needs.
An email will be sent out to all ADAs when the exam needs tool opens for the respective semester. Submitting exam information by the posted date will allow for exams to be posted to MAUI and MyUI in time for early registration. Classroom Scheduling will continue to schedule evening midterm examination requests beyond the date suggested on the website.
Instructions on how to submit evening midterm exam needs are available online. If you need additional assistance, please contact
Evening Midterm Exam Scheduling Policies
Scheduling Priority
Evening midterm exam scheduling will be coordinated on a first-come, first-served basis as the foundation of assignment. However, when necessary, large core undergraduate course offerings with historical examination scheduling policies will be scheduled as priority when in direct conflict on request date and time. Classroom Scheduling will consult with appropriate associate deans for date and/or classroom priority when necessary.
Classroom Needs
All requests for university classroom accommodations will be made as classroom resources allow. Requests will be accommodated as fully as possible in as few rooms as possible and as close together as possible. Careful consideration should be taken when requesting double seating (two seats per student) as multiple classroom facilities will more than likely be assigned given the available university classroom pool and their seating capacities.
To assist faculty with their exam arrangements, university classrooms with an actual seating capacity of 100 or more have been outfitted with seat and row number identifications. Seating layout plans for these rooms are available on the University Classrooms website. Some faculty have found it possible to employ the use of single seating by using these layouts to create an assigned seating chart for their exam.
Special classroom needs for the requested exam may be included in evening midterm exam request. This would include needs such as: the exam will be open book and would prefer table and chair seating, if possible; or a department room will be assigned for the exam.
Requests to use specific university classrooms will only be given consideration in those situations where specialized equipment is required, such as TILE classroom usage.
Extended Time Requests
Evening midterm exam or evening midterm makeup exam requests longer than 2 hours will require approval from the departmental executive officer (DEO) and dean's office. Approval should be emailed to prior to any scheduling request. Exams lasting more than two hours will begin at 6:30pm.
Non-Standardized Periods for Evening Exam Requests
If an evening exam period outside of the approved examination periods for evening exam times is requested, approval from the departmental executive officer (DEO) and dean's office is required. Approval should be emailed to prior to any scheduling request.
Evening Midterm Makeup Exams
The makeup exam, if different, should be as equivalent as possible in content, difficulty, form, and time limits to the original. The standards for scoring and grading the makeup exam should be equivalent to those used with the original exam as well. Students taking evening midterm makeup exams should not be given a longer period of time to take the exam than was offered to students taking the originally scheduled evening midterm exam.
SDS Extended Time Exams
Extended time midterm exams for SDS students cannot be combined with midterm makeup examinations.
Special Needs/Requirements
It is the department's responsibility to communicate any special needs or examination requirements, if they exist, via the special needs field in the MAUI Offerings Planner Exam Needs tool.
Midterm or During Term Course Exam Schedule Conflict Policies
These policies apply to exams scheduled during the semester. See Final Examination Policies regarding exams held on designated university final exam dates.
When instructors plan to give exams outside of class time, they should announce the dates and times at the first class meeting and list them on the course syllabus for distribution at the first class meeting.
Midterm or During Term Exam Conflicts
- When there is a conflict between an exam scheduled outside of regular class time and a regularly scheduled course, the regularly scheduled course will take precedence.
- When there is a conflict between an exam scheduled outside of class time and other scheduled and required course activities (e.g., performances, meetings, lectures), the required course activity will take precedence.
- When there is a conflict between an exam scheduled outside of class time and other scheduled, non-required course activities or personal obligations, the exam will take precedence. However, exams not scheduled and announced in class at least 14 days in advance will not have priority under this policy.
- When there is a conflict between two or more exams scheduled outside their regular class times, makeup exams should be assigned according to makeup exam precedence rules.
- Instructors must offer reasonable options without penalty to students who miss exams due to the conflicts described above.
- Makeup exams must be scheduled at a reasonable time and location.
- The makeup exam, if different, should be as equivalent as possible in content, difficulty, form, and time limits to the original. The standards for scoring and grading the makeup exam should be equivalent to those used with the original exam as well.
University Policy On All Missed Exams
Students at The University of Iowa are permitted to make up exams missed due to religious holidays, illness, or unavoidable circumstances. Faculty members should reschedule exams for students who miss them for reasons consistent with the university's policy regarding religious holidays, as stated in Part III, Chapter 22, Section 10, "Religious Diversity and the University Calendar," of the University Policy Manual.
Each college within the university is free to establish its own rules and regulations concerning absences from class. However, university regulations require that students be allowed to make up examinations that have been missed due to illness, mandatory religious obligations, or other unavoidable circumstances or university activities, as stated in Part IV, Chapter 8, Section 1, "General," of the University Policy Manual.
Construction Noise During Examinations
The standard practice of the University of Iowa Facilities Management Department is to immediately stop construction when that work disturbs an examination in progress. The faculty member in charge of the examination should promptly report such problems to FM@YourService (319-335-5071) or to the construction workers, asking them to contact the project's construction manager for further instructions.