Makeup Exam Precedence Rules
Evening midterm and final examination times published by the Office of the Registrar take precedence over makeup examination times.
Makeup exams for students with qualified conflicts should be assigned according to the following precedence rules:
During FALL Semesters
Courses having lower subject alpha characters or lower course numbers when the conflict is within a subject will take precedence. If the conflict is within the same subject and course then the lower section number will take precedence.
During SPRING Semesters
Courses having higher subject alpha characters or higher course numbers when the conflict is within a subject will take precedence. If the conflict is within the same subject and course then the higher section number will take precedence.
During SUMMER Sessions
- in odd numbered years, courses having lower subject alpha characters or lower course numbers when the conflict is within a subject will take precedence. If the conflict is within the same subject and course then the lower section number will take precedence.
- in even numbered years, courses having higher subject alpha characters or higher course numbers when the conflict is within a subject will take precedence. If the conflict is within the same subject and course then the higher section number will take precedence.
Evaluation of same time (direct) exam conflicts takes precedence over evaluation of more than two exams scheduled for the same exam day (>-2 day) conflicts. In situations where an individual student is affected by both a direct conflict and a >-2 day conflict which involve the same course section(s), then the direct conflict should be evaluated first to determine course eligibility for a makeup exam.
If, after resolving the direct conflict(s),
- the student no longer has more than two exams scheduled for the same exam day, then the student will take all remaining exams as scheduled.
- the student still has more than two exams scheduled for the same exam day, then the remaining course sections involved in the >-2 day conflict are evaluated until the student has no more than two exams scheduled for the same exam day.
Precedence regarding the use of letters in subject designations: Alpha characters are weighted higher as you travel up the alphabet with A being equivalent to 1 and Z being equivalent to 26. Subject designations should be evaluated on a letter by letter basis.
Example: EDTL and ENGR. Since E is the first letter designated in both subjects and is of equal value, the second letter of each subject should be evaluated next to determine precedence. D is considered lower than N so EDTL is considered lower than ENGR.
In a fall semester, ENGR would need to issue a makeup exam when in conflict with EDTL; in a spring semester, EDTL would need to issue a makeup exam when in conflict with ENGR. Similarly, in a fall semester, ECON would need to issue a makeup exam when in conflict with BIOL; in a spring semester BIOL would need to issue a makeup exam when in conflict with ECON.