Student Academic User Group October Meeting Minutes
Minutes for the October 4, 2017 Meeting.
1. Textbook Guidelines for Spring 2018
Bill Evanson from ITS and Jessica Alberhasky from REG-MAUI-Support - Office of the Registrar presented Textbook Guidelines for Spring 2018.
Higher Edcuation Opportunity Act (HEOA) Compliance and Cost Saving for Students
How to proceed for Spring 2018
- Place textbook and resource orders at any and all preferred bookstore(s) by early registration.
- Iowa Hawk Shop/University Book Store, Iowa Book, Prairie Lights and ISBA College of Law Bookstore orders.
- We will be uploading the textbook files from these book stores.
- NOTE: No longer have to enter book details for orders placed with these book stores. Do not enter textbook information in "Enter book details" or "Enter other resources".
- "Enter other resources" should ONLY be used for resources or non-textbook related items such as equipment, course packets, etc.
- If you are using another vendor not listed above, for now, please include all book details in "Enter other resources".
- We have not worked out a process with the Medical Student Bookstore yet. More information is to come.
Textbook and Resource Panel Changes
- All textbook line items for each book store will appear in the Textbook panel in Course Offerings.
- Departments will now have the ability to display or not display textbook line items by checking a "Display" indicator.
- Each textbook line item, will be marked as "Display" by default.
- When new information is uploaded, we will not overlay any previous data. The upload will only add new items.
- Users will no longer have the option to edit/delete textbook line items, these capabilities will ONLY be available for other resources entered.
- In MyUI, a unique list of textbooks (duplicates removed) will be displayed with the bookstore information underneath, both under the course section and within the students' textbook listing.
- Textbook panel changes should be available by October 16.
Join Us October 23 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. in 2523 UCC to RSVP please complete our Lunch and Learn Survey here.
- We will be providing lunch!
- We will also be providing more detailed information regarding textbooks. Please bring all questions or concerns.
2. New Unsatisfied Waitlist Report
Bill Evanson from ITS demonstrated the New Unsatisfied Waitlist Report. This report is the Detailed View link found in Offerings Planner next to the existing Unsatisfied Waitlists view.
- The report is a session based page which can be broken down by college, department, subject and course.
- It is breadcrumb based so users can go back to the subject, department, or college without restarting the report.
- Beginning at the departmental level there is an export option to see all individuals on those waitlists.
- There is a live pie chart showing a visual breakdown by college.
- There will be another chart forthcoming that will show a year to year comparison.
3. Schedule Builder Training Resources Preview
Alysha Ahlf, Jessica Alberhasky, Jolene Cole, and Elissa Thoman from REG-MAUI-Support - Office of the Registrar presented a Schedule Builder Resources Preview.
Schedule Builder will go live to students starting October 9th. Reg-MAUI-Support and Academic Advising have put together training resources for faculty, staff, and students. Please find this information below.
Online Help and Videos
- Faculty Staff Help Page- Sent to Faculty and Staff by email Wednesday, September 27.
- Student Help Page- Sent to Students by email Monday, October 2.
Schedule Builder "?" and Pop-ups
- When a user first signs into Schedule Builder in MyUI they will be given a brief tour of the new tool. They can stop or start the tour at any time by clicking on "start tour" next to the Schedule Builder Help link.
- ? - Question Marks are place around Schedule Builder to further explain features and various components. Each question mark has a link back to the Office of the Registrar Schedule Builder Help pages.
Administrative View of Schedule Builder
- The "Schedule Builder" administrative view can be found under the Advising area of the person inspector tab drop down.
- This will allow individuals with student record access the ability to see what students have in their Course Cart, My Filters, and Preferred Schedules.
- Within Course Cart, users can determine which courses students have already enrolled in, which they have enable to use to build schedules, and which courses have course filters added to them.
- Within My Filters, users can determine which filters the students have selected.
- Users can find students' Preferred Schedules by selecting them in the "Preferred Schedules" drop down menu and selecting "View".
4. Iowa Graduation App
Becky Keogh and Alysha Ahlf from the Office of the Registrar gave a presentation about the newly created Iowa Graduation app. The app provides graduates and their guests information about the commencement ceremonies, a graduation checklist, cap and gown ordering, local lodging and dining options, parking and venue maps, answers to commonly asked questions, and more.
Information about the Iowa Graduation app has been provided to the commencement coordinators and will be marketed via dispatch message to all degree applicants, via social media, and digital signage. To download the Iowa Graduation app, search "Iowa Graduation" in the app stores.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for app content, please email Alysha Ahlf or Becky Keogh.
Iowa Graduation App Presentation
- Midterm Class Lists are open from October 5- 19, 2017.
- Student's Winter 2017/Spring 2018 day/time assignments will be available Wednesday, October 18th. The process of assigning times will begin on Monday, October 16 but it may take a few days for the process to complete. If you have any questions, please contact
- Early Registration is November 6-17, 2017.
- Last Day for Undergraduates to Drop without Dean's Approval is October 30th.