Student Academic Services User Group January 10, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Time and Location:

Wednesday, January 10, 9 - 10 a.m. in 2520D UCC 


1. Midterm Evening Exam Processing

Caroline Jens and Renee Houser from Classroom Scheduling - Office of the Registrar presented and demonstrated the new Exam Needs tool in MAUI.

The new tool captures all relevant information in one interface

  • Course offerings load to the tool, so ADAs will have access to all courses in one place
  • All midterm exam requests created through the needs tool will automatically feed into MAUI course offerings when the exam is created by our office
  • This eliminates the possibility we could enter your submitted information incorrectly
  • Information is retained in MAUI, so you will always have access to prior session requests  

The full presentation can be found here: PDF icon evening_midterm_exam_needs_tool_presentation.pdf

2. UI Service Center Announcement 

Sarah Harris from the Office of the Registrar and Tammy Smith from Treasury Operations announced that the new UI Service Center is now open. 

The UI Service Center opened on January 2, 2018 when the Registrar Service Center and the Billing Office walk-in combined services in 17 Calvin Hall.

The UI Service Center will be your new one-stop solution for:

  •     U-Bill payments and questions
  •     Changes in registration
  •     Scholarship submissions
  •     Student name changes
  •     Transcripts and verifications

As always, you will receive outstanding customer service from knowledgeable staff.

More information can be found on the UI Service Center website.

3. MAUI Updates 

Jessica Alberhasky from REG-MAUI-Support - Office of the Registrar and Bill Evanson from ITS gave an update on the Textbook process and showed an improvement to the Instructor panel in Offerings Planner.  The memo outlining these changes can be found here: New MAUI Updates for Spring 2018.

4. Schedule Builder Count Report Update

Jessica Alberhasky from REG-MAUI-Support - Office of the Registrar - and Karen Noggle from CLAS Administration presented a new Schedule Builder report.

There is now a report that combines Schedule Builder, Course, and Waitlist Counts all in one!  The Schedule Builder Counts report can be found under the Registrar Report area in MAUI under the category of Course Offerings.  A link to this report can be found on the Campus Data Portal.

Campus Data Portal

Beginning of Semester Announcements

  • Prerequisite checking – Please be sure students have the appropriate prerequisite special permissions assigned (Permanent, Conditional-Proof Required, or Met-Proof Provided) by Tuesday, January 9th.  Notification of potential prerequisite drops were sent to students ten days prior to the semester for those with Conditional-Proof Required Special Permission.  Students who fail to provide proof will be dropped from the course on Wednesday, January 10th.
  • Day 5 of the Spring Semester is Monday, January 22nd.  Students may make registration changes in MyUI through 11:59 p.m on Sunday, January 21st.  Waitlists also continue to be in use through Day 5.
  • Special Permission Numbers will continue to work through the first five days of the semester via MyUI.
  • If waitlist is in effect, instructors should not sign slips to add students to a course.  To add a student to the waitlist, the instructor would contact the academic departmental administrator.  If a course is off-cycle, the waitlist ends at 11:59 p.m. the day before class starts.  At this point approved user will be able to see the waitlist but it will no longer be in use, instructors would sign an add slip to add the student to the course.

Additional Announcements

  • General Catalog pages are due in the Registrar’s Office on February 12.  There are two walk-in refresher sessions in January: Friday, January 19 from 8-11 and Tuesday, January 23 from 12-3 in 2523 UCC.  If you would like some assistance, come any time during a session and bring your questions.  
  • Winter 2017 Grades – Grades entry will be available in MAUI for courses ending on or before January 13, 2017.  DEOs need to approve by 5 pm Thursday, January 18. Off-cycle final grades must be submitted and approved within ten calendar days of the course end date. If you have any questions, please contact
  • Spring 2018 Final Examination Needs Tool is open for submission through Wednesday, January 10th at 4:30 p.m.  Please contact Caroline Jens after submission dates with any updates or questions.
  • Classroom Scheduling is currently recalling classrooms assigned to zero enrollment classes.  If your section should remain as scheduled, please contact Char Maher.
  • The January 1 deadline has passed for all undergraduate courses for changes in location, start and end time, or start and end dates with sufficient justification
  • Midterm Evening Exam Scheduling begins Monday, February 5th.

The next meeting will be 2-3pm, Tuesday, February 6, 2018 in 2520-D UCC