To: Students Enrolled in Spring 2017
From: Office of the Registrar
Subject: Spring 2017 Welcome Back Memo
Date: January 9, 2017
Classes at the University of Iowa begin Tuesday, January 17, 2017. You are receiving this email because you are currently enrolled or are eligible to enroll for the Spring 2017 semester. If you are not returning this semester, please scroll to the end of this email for more information on dropping your enrollment.
Returning Students
- Students will be able to drop and add courses for the first five days of the semester via MyUI rather than using the paper Change of Registration Form. This option ends at 11:59 p.m. before the sixth business day of classes (Monday, January 23 at 11:59 p.m. for the Spring 2017 semester). The exceptions are:
- Students will not be able to drop their only (last) course on MyUI.
- Any off-cycle sections (sections that do not meet for the full length of the semester) that have already begun during the first five days of classes will not be available for students to add on MyUI.
- If a course requires special permission, please see the department before adding the course in MyUI.
- Students can join a waitlist if the option is available on MyUI. Students should not use a Change of Registration Form until the waitlist is no longer accessible.
- Student Athletes and International Students may add courses on MyUI but additional permission will be required to drop courses. Please click here for more information.
- Selected Iowa MBA program students are not allowed to participate in this five day period. They are required to use the Change of Registration Form.
- Beginning the sixth business day of the semester, students will be able drop courses in MyUI with appropriate authorization. Students must process adds, section changes, and hours changes by submitting a Change of Registration Form with required signatures to the Registrar's Service Center.
- For more information regarding registration, please visit the Office of the Registrar's Registration webpage.
- Note: Paper Change of Registration Forms can still be processed at the Registrar's Service Center, 17 Calvin Hall if you are not able to make your changes using MyUI.
Students Not Returning
Students not returning to the University for Spring semester must drop their entire Spring enrollment before January 17, 2017 to prevent being held for tuition and fee assessment.
Enrollment may be dropped by either:
- Dropping all your Spring courses by Monday, January 16, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. for Spring 2017 on MyUI or
- Faxing, mailing, or emailing a statement with your signature to the Registrar's Service Center indicating you will not return to the University for the spring semester. Your statement must include your name, address, contact information (phone and email) and University ID number and be received by 4:30 pm on January 13, 2017.
Residence hall contracts must be canceled separately by sending the same information to University Housing and Dining, 4141 Burge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242.
The first Spring semester University Bill is due January 23, 2017. You can view and pay online via MyUI. Failure to make the minimum payment by that date will result in a late fee.
The Spring Academic Calendar is available on the Office of the Registrar's website.