Course Enrollment Cross-Tab Comparison Report:
Canan Tapia from ITS demonstrated the Course Enrollment Cross-Tab Report. The report displays enrollment counts with cross-tab comparison of Early registration, Day 1, Census, and End of Session snapshots. This reports replaces an old Infobank report that had been requested by several departments and can be found in MAUI under Reports > Registrar > Course Offerings > Course Enrollment Cross-tab Comparison.
Inactive course report - new workflow process:
Chris Carlson from the Office of the Registrar presented the new Inactive Course Report which will be processed through Universal Workflow. There will be one workflow slip for every course on the report and will route through workflow following the same path as the Course Approval Form. Detailed information regarding the new process can be found here.
Drop Authorization Report Update:
Becky Tjelmeland from ITS and Cherrie Baird from the Office of the Registrar presented an update to the new Online Drop Authorization Project. There is a new Registration Change Notes field which notes can be added by authorized users regarding the student's registration. Authorized users will be able to see all notes but only the person who entered the note will be able to delete. They also showed some new reports which should aid in the process. These reports are found in MAUI under Reports > Registrar > Registration >
- International Student Registration Change Requests - International students who have initiated registration changes for the current session.
- Registration Change Requests by Course - Students who have initiated registration changes for courses in the selected department and subject for the current session.
- Registration Change Requests by Program - Students by program who have initiated registration changes for the current session.
Bill Evanson from ITS demonstrated the Instructors Ace Online Form page which will include an Evaluation Date and an ICON override features.
Attendance Lists are now open for Fall 2016 and will close on September 22nd at 5.m. Attendance class list submission is a requirement of federal financial aid regulations. Locate step-by-step instructions, attendance class list information, attendance definition, student non-attendance processing, and automatic section change information here. If you have any further questions, please contact