Withdrawal Information
After a session begins, if you decide to remove all your course work (even if you are only registered for one course), you must process a Withdrawal of Registration. A withdrawal will remove all your courses in the current session including courses that have ended and may be graded. You will not be allowed to register for other courses in this session or any sub-session even if the courses have not started yet.
Summer session withdrawals include all of the sub-sessions. Example: If you withdraw from the 4 week session you cannot enroll in any other summer-sub session even if it has not started yet. The UI Service Center can help if you have questions.
Once a withdrawal is processed you are removed from any active waitlists that you joined in the current session or sub-sessions.
If you wish to remain enrolled but need to remove current courses and add others then you should add at least one course you wish to remain in before dropping others.
Contact your advisor if you have questions or concerns about your decision to withdraw. You can find your advisor in the Student Information tab in MyUI under the Advising section Programs of Study & Advisors
You will be responsible for a portion of assessed tuition and fees based on the date of your withdrawal. More information is available at Drop or Withdraw Tuition Responsibility.
A withdrawal in the current session does not impact future session enrollments. Those registrations will remain as is unless you make changes. If you are registered for a future session and do not plan to attend please drop all courses for that session in MyUI.
The withdrawal process is available online in MyUI once a session begins (with the exception of the Iowa MBA and Master of Science Business Analytics Professional Programs). Iowa MBA and Master of Science Business Analytics Professional students should view program-specific instructions available here.
Withdrawal Process
Available the first day of the current session through the last day of the current session finals week as long as required permissions are obtained.
- Login to MyUI to initiate the withdrawal
- Go to your registration screen and choose the current session
- Click on Withdraw Entire Registration
- Click on more info.... in the Warning Pop-up and be sure you understand or use the contact information for questions. Close the more info window
- Click Continue
Review the blue banner and contact your advisor if you have any questions on removing all your courses or if you should add and drop instead.
Scroll and review the courses you will be withdrawing from and the permissions you will need to obtain
- Click Continue or Cancel
You may cancel at any time before completing the withdrawal and return to your registration screen
- If you are presented with a withdrawal survey complete it and click Submit
- Continue will show you the deadlines, tuition and fees responsibility, and warnings. Read this page carefully and be sure you understand each section
- Next click on I agree to obtain the required permissions or Cancel if you do not wish to proceed.
It is your responsibility to obtain the required permissions. This may involve contacting various offices during regular business hours, such as your advisor, Athletics, ISSS and/or your Collegiate Office.
- You have now initiated the withdrawal. It is not considered processed until all permissions have been obtained and you have completed the withdrawal in MyUI.
- MyUI will show you have a pending withdrawal and the permissions you need to obtain. You may remove the Pending withdrawal anytime if you change your mind
- Click on Authorization Information if you need contact information to obtain your permissions
- Once you have obtained the required permissions you will receive a MyUI message and an email letting you know you may now complete the withdrawal in MyUI
Reminder: Once you complete the withdrawal you will not be allowed to register again in this current session. If you wish to remain enrolled cancel or remove the pending withdrawal and use the Change in Registration process to drop and add courses.
- Click Complete the withdrawal in MyUI
- You will have one last opportunity to review deadlines and warnings.
- You can still click Cancel if you have changed your mind.
- Click Complete Withdrawal to finish the process
Your withdrawal is processed as of the date you complete it in MyUI. You will see this message in the green banner at the top of the page: Your registration has been successfully withdrawn.
If you have a financial aid award there may be additional adjustments to your tuition assessment for a withdrawal. It may take 4-6 weeks for your withdrawal information and U-bill to be finalized. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at 2400 University Capitol Centre (UCC) or financial-aid@uiowa.edu or 319 335-1450 if you have questions.
Once the session has begun, if you are not able to use MyUI to withdraw, then you can contact the UI Service Center and ask for help. You may be able to submit a written request as long as you have the required permissions.
Students admitted to University College or programs through Distance and Online Education may email their request to withdraw to doe-reg@uiowa.edu.
Students in the Colleges of Dentistry, Engineering, Law, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health; the Carver College of Medicine; and the Tippie School of Management (with the exception of the Iowa MBA and Master of Science Business Analytics Professional) should contact their Collegiate Office if help is needed with a withdrawal.
A withdrawal is not in effect until it has been completed in MyUI and you receive the message in the green banner. If your withdrawal is not able to be processed in MyUI and it is done administratively through the UI Service Center you will receive an email when it is complete.
Your tuition and fees assessment page in MyUI will adjust immediately based on Registrar deadlines. To see your tuition and fees page in MyUI click on Financial Aid & Billing in the yellow banner. Under the Finances and Billing heading click on Tuition & Fees.
For deadline dates to withdraw and the percent of tuition that will be refunded, see the Academic Calendar on the Office of the Registrar's web site and Withdrawal Tuition Responsibility