Student Academic Users Group September Meeting
Time and Location:
2-3pm, Wednesday, September 5, 2018 in 2520-D UCC
1. Combined/Concurrent Program of Study Update
Becky Tjelmeland from ITS and Julie Fell from the Office of the Registrar demonstrated a new Combined Program Table that will be available in MAUI by the end of the 2018 fall semester. The new table will replace the current table that is used by Admissions to admit students to more than one college. The new table will list only approved combined degree programs that have a shared curriculum. With this new table, the CPI (combined program indicator) will be set automatically based on the programs in this table. The table will allow for more accurate reporting for students pursuing U2G (undergraduate to graduate programs), graduate to graduate, and graduate to professional programs. Students will continue to pursue concurrent degree programs (i.e. BSE/Engineering and BS/CLAS) and the transcript session header will continue to indicate admission/enrollment in both colleges.
2. Inactive Course Report
Chris Carlson and Becky Keogh from the Office of the Registrar showed that the Inactive Course Forms may now be viewed in MAUI. From Sept 5-10th, Academic Departmental Administrators (ADAs) can review the forms and save comments without sending them through Universal Workflow. This allows ADAs to make comments on forms before they go to the DEO. The status defaults to blank and you can select from Keep or Drop. If keep is selected, a rationale must be included. The information is only saved if the Save button is clicked. On September 10th, Academic DEO approval begins in Universal Workflow. All forms will still need to have Keep or Drop selected if they haven’t been edited already, a rationale included for Keep items, and Save clicked in order for the workflow widget to appear. The green “Approve Package” button will not be available until a status and rationale (if necessary) exists and Save has been selected. Please see the included PowerPoint from the presentation and direct any questions to Becky Keogh ( especially concerning workflow), Chris Carlson (, or Teresa Watson (
3. Planner Updates for Non-UCR Courses
Char Maher from the Office of the Registrar - Classroom Scheduling talked about some Offerings Planner updates for Non-UCR courses.
Offerings Planner is available for the creation and modification of sections that are not requesting UCR rooms, or related sections, during the Planner closed window for room scheduling. They can be edited as if Planner is not closed, including submitting to workflow.
Offerings Planner is only closed for sections that are requesting a Registrar Scheduled room (UCR) or any related section requesting a UCR.
4. Spring 2019 Start Date Announcement
Larry Lockwood from the Office of the Registrar talked about how in Spring 2019 the session will begin before Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The basis for the decision came from a 2015 calendar committee that looked into the feasibility of starting spring sessions at the same time as ISU and UNI. The calendar principles and notes from that committee can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website under Academic Calendar Principles.
5. DIY Calendar Combiner
Josh Hutchison from the Office of the Registrar showed the new DIY Calendar Combiner interface that will allow users with a HawkID and password to sync Academic Calendar dates from MAUI to their Outlook account. More information can be found under the Office of the Registrar's website under DIY Academic Calendar Combiner.
6. Academic & Curricular Planning Roll Out
Becky Keogh from the Office of the Registrar announced that Sample Plans are now live on MyUI. The new tile is located on the home page under “Student Information.” More sample plans will be added in the future especially for minors, certificates, and Graduate College programs.
Becky Tjelmeland from ITS and Jill Trumm from Academic Advising shared that MyPlans will have a soft launch for student use on September 11, followed by various communication to students beginning September 17. There will be a series of informational sessions in the Big Ten Theater of the IMU from Sept 20-Oct 24 (advertising soon) for all UI students, faculty, and staff to get more information on both Sample Plans and MyPlan and how these tools can be used together. There will be a series of several instructional videos and flowcharts to get students support with using MyPlan in the Help section of MyUI.
The MyPlan degree audit will have a light blue color at the top, and the What If degree audits will be green. The change in colors is intended to help students differentiate the three types of audits: official, What If, and starting September 11, the new MyPlan audit, which will include any planned coursework a student has on a MyPlan.
7. Fall 2018 Census Timeline
David Johnson from the Office of the Registrar talked about when census data will be publicly available. The Office of the Registrar sends census data to the Board of Regents the next business day after Census Date. The Board of Regents has 24 hours to review the information and send back. At that point the President's Office and the Office of Strategic Communication work on their promotional materials. The Thursday after Census date the President will publicly present the Fall Enrollment numbers, soon after that the information will be available on the Office of the Registrar's website in Reports and Statistics.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Fall 2018 Attendance Class Lists are open from 09/04/18 to 09/20/18
- Winter 2018 and Spring 2019 Session Creation is September 7.
- At this time, students can be authorized to register and special permission can be granted.
- In addition, the Student Billing Agreement restriction will be placed on the students' account.
- Spring and Summer 2019 Offerings Planner opens on 09/24/18
- Fall 2018 Degree Applications Deadline for All Degree Candidates on 09/28/18
- Fall 2018 Final Exam Faculty Review Period is 09/07/18 to 09/12/18
- Feedback from the July FERPA Refresher Training has been added to the Office of the Registrar website.
- We saw them enter the University of Iowa through OnIowa! Now we have the wonderful opportunity to assist them one more time as they take the stage to graduate. Sign up to help with the Fall 2018 Commencement Ceremony!
- The next meeting will be October 3, 2018. Future meeting invites and prior meeting minutes can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website.