November Announcements 

Waitlist Enhancements

  • Updated Waitlist Interface- A more detailed overview will be provided at the December meeting.
    • Additional fields have been added to the Waitlist panel in Offerings Planner including: Classification and Overall Earned Hours.
    • Waitlists are now easier to prioritize.  Academic Departmental Administrators click “Edit Priorities”, adjust priority counts, and hit “Update Priorities”!
    • Users also have the ability to email all students on a waitlist.  This feature is similar the email class list feature.
  • Update to Registration Process- A recent change was made where if a course has related sections (such as lab, discussions, with lecture) prior to a waitlist offer being sent, restrictions are checked to be sure the student qualifies.  For instance, if a lecture is not an Honors section but the waitlist available seat is in a discussion section with an Honors restriction a non-Honors student will not be offered a seat in that section.

Please keep in mind restrictions are still checked upon initial adds to a waitlist.  The change affects when a restriction might have been added to the course section after the waitlist was in place or in related sections with restrictions.

New Commencement Site

The new site is now live! 

Please contact with any questions or comments.

Upcoming Dates

Early Registration for Winter 2018 and Spring 2019 is November 5-16, 2018.

Prerequisites are enforced during registration. More information is available on our website. 

All textbook and resource orders should be finalized in MAUI by Early Registration (November 5), but in no event later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the textbook is to be used by students.

November 6, 2018 – January 20, 2019 the Fall 2019 Course Offerings Planner will be closed to editing.  The Planner is always open for instructor, textbook, descriptions, requirements, recommendations, restrictions, registration information editing, updating waitlist plans, and updating syllabus information. 

The Iowa Center for Higher Education Learning Center will be expired at the conclusion of Fall 2018.  Therefore, associations to an alternate Learning Center and revisions to course restrictions have been made.  Please review your Des Moines offerings for Spring 2019.

Workflow for creating and updating Sample Plans will become available once the General Catalog is available for department/program updates in November. As a reminder, sample plan workflow will be processed after the Catalog updates are complete. More information on training/workshop sessions will be sent after Catalog is open. Contact (Becky Keogh and Fran Boyken) with any questions.