
New Printable Class List View:

Becky Tjelmeland from ITS demonstrated the New Print Exam Check-in Sheet and the Print Exam Check-in Sheet Condensed class list options.  These new options can be found on the Offerings Planner, Course Grade, and Instructor Class Lists.  The new options will allow departments and instructors to print out a class list that has a name associated with a picture in an effort to eliminate any impropriety during exams.   

Archiving and Purging Degree Audits:

Curt Graff from the Office of the Registrar outlined the plan for archiving and purging degree audits.  This fall, the UI will be upgrading u.achieve, the system that runs our degree audits.

As we reviewed the steps necessary for this upgrade, that many students have 100+ audits displayed, and the fact that we will be adding more program of study (POS) audits in the future, we realized that we need create an audit retention plan and begin proactive steps to archive and purge audits.

The audits that will be most impacted by campus users are HawkID audits and REGISTRAR_EOS audits.  

Please see the attached presentation for detailed information.PDF icon audit_retention_plan.pdf

MAUI Access Security - roles with your department and requesting access:

Jessica Alberhasky, Cheryl Howes, and Caroline Jens from the Office of the Registrar presented different topics related to MAUI Access Security.

The Office of the Registrar uses the roles assigned within MAUI to not only assign MAUI or report access but also send Dispatch emails and determine workflow routing.  It’s important for departments and colleges to understand their Academic Organization and who has what roles or access rights in MAUI.  The security team has created a MAUI Access and Roles page on the Office of the Registrar’s website to make MAUI access more transparent and to encourage areas to review the access assigned within their department or college.  This page also contains frequently asked questions that may be helpful when filling out MAUI Access Request Forms.

If you have any questions regarding MAUI access or security roles, please feel free to email

Student Academic Services Users Group Communication Plan:

Josh Hutchison and Jessica Alberhasky from the Office of the Registrar outlined the plan for the communicating information to the Student Academic Services Users Group (SASUG).  The Office of the Registrar will email all current members of the SASUG Listserve as well as all Academic Departmental Administrators.  This email will include a link to a new page on the Office of the Registrar's website.  On that page will be dates of future meetings, minutes from past meetings, and a link to join a subscription list which will be used going forward to deliver information about the SASUG meetings.


  • Student’s Winter 2016/Spring 2017 day/time assignments will be available Thursday, October 20th.  The process of assigning times will begin on Monday, October 17th but it may take a few days for the process to complete.  If you have any questions, please contact
  • Bill Evanson from ITS announced that the the ICON roles over-ride drop down on the MAUI course planner instructor assignment screens has been updated to use roles from Canvas.