Student Academic Services User Group November 8, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Time and Location:
9-10am, Wednesday, November 8, 2017 in 2520-D UCC
1. Schedule Builder Reports
Becky Tjelmeland from ITS demonstrated some new Schedule Builder reports in MAUI.
Maui Reports
There is a new report in MAUI Reports > Registrar > Course Offerings > Schedule Builder Counts
- The report can be filtered one like session out from current. So currently Fall 2017 through Fall 2018 is displaying.
- Sort by College, Academic Unit and Course Subject
- It will display how many students have a course or individual section in their Course Cart.
- It will also display Opt Enrollment, Current Enrollment, and Preferred Schedule and Not Enrolled counts.
Offerings Planner
There will be a new tab in the Offerings Planner dropdown called Schedule Builder
- This will show the individual students who have an individual section in their Course Cart.
- It will list the Primary Program of Study, Email, and will have an export all function.
2. Instructor Panel Updates
Ross Miller from ITS gave updates to the Instructor panel in Offerings Planner.
- Both Instructor role and ICON role displays on the main Instructor panel for individual sections.
- When adding a new instructor or editing an existing one, you can see an ICON Roles Documentation link on the Edit Instructor screen.
- Choose a Role and then you have the ability to choose an ICON Role Override which may not correspond to their Instructor Role.
3. Academic Calendar Updates
Joshua Hutchison from the Office of the Registrar showed updates to the Academic Calendar on the Office of the Registrar website. There are 2 updated pages and 1 new one.
Academic Calendar – a calendar view of upcoming dates regardless of session. Each session is color coded and the current session will always be dark blue, on the first day of the next session the previous session will drop off and the rest of the sessions will cascade down. This screen has a multiple category selection to filter and goes from the first month of the current session to the last month of the next like session. So currently it runs from August 2017 to December 2018. It also has a toggle to show summer subsessions.
Dates by Session – a list view of all dates tied to an individual session regardless of calendar day. So for instance the default view for Fall 2017 will have the first date in August of 2016 and the last day is Winter Break in December of 2017. This page will go back 2 sessions and forward 2 sessions. This screen also has a filtering system, but only one category at a time.
Five-Year Calendar – new condensed look of the Five-Year Calendar. This page will display current session plus 5 years and will also go back 5 years. Summer subsessions are hidden by default but can be expanded or collapsed.
4. Textbooks Compliance and Q&A
Jessica Alberhasky from Office of the Registrar - REG-MAUI-Support and Bill Evanson from ITS presented information related to Textbooks.
Textbook Compliance
Bill talked about compliance rates related to the Higher Education Opportunity Act. There has been a good increase in compliance rates across campus.
Administrative View
An overall section view of textbook information can now be found on the section summary page in Offerings Planner. This can be find by going into Offerings Planner and typing in the SUBJ:CRSE in the search box.
Missing Textbook Emails sent 11/7/2017
Spring 2018 Textbook Reminder- Instructor
Spring 2018 Textbook Reminder- Administrative Staff
Emails excluded instructors if:
- a textbook order had been placed with one of the bookstores and we received a file
- “Other Resources” were listed
- Extenuating Circumstances were indicated
- “No Textbook Required” had been checked
- Independent Study section
Please disregard the email if the course sent was cancelled or listed as pending. Also, if the course is a cross-referenced course, only the Admin home is required to enter textbook/resource information.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Does the “extenuating circumstance” need to be removed when the textbook order is placed?
- No. After the textbook information is uploaded from one of the three bookstores the “extenuating circumstances” will be overlaid with updated textbook information.
- If a course is co-listed will book information pull from the “home” course?
- Co-existing- Textbook information needs to be entered for all courses.
- Cross-Reference- Textbook information will pull from the “home” course.
- How should an instructor proceed when they would like to enter information about other bookstores available?
- The instructor can enter information under “Other Resources” and place an order with the Hawk Shop, Iowa Book, or Prairie Lights.
- How should a department or Instructor proceed when orders from the bookstore are not showing?
- Review when the last upload took place. If the order was placed before the most recent upload contact the bookstore. If the order was placed after the most recent upload wait for the upload to take place. We are receiving files from the Iowa Hawk Shop daily. Data files from Iowa Book and Prairie Lights come in less frequently every few days.
- Review the course number provided to the bookstore. Errors are occurring when the “non-admin home” course number is provided.
- Do textbooks or resources need to be entered for Independent Study sections?
- No, no textbook or resource information needs to be entered for Independent Study sections.
- Do textbook or resources need to be entered for online or ARR/ARR sections?
- Yes, although these sections are offered off-campus or online we can’t assume they don’t need textbooks or resources.
Upcoming Dates
- Early Registration for Winter 2017 and Spring 2018 is November 6-17, 2017.
- Reminder – Prerequisites are enforced during registration. More information is available on our website.
- All textbook and resource orders should be finalized in MAUI by Early Registration (November 6-17), but in no event later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the textbook is to be used by students.
- November 28, 2017 – February 4, 2018 the Course Offerings Planner will be closed to editing. The Planner is always open for instructor, textbook, descriptions, requirements, recommendations, restrictions, registration information editing, updating waitlist plans, and updating syllabus information.
- December 8, 2017 is the deadline to submit course approval forms for Fall 2018 courses requiring changes in essential course data (subject acronym, course number, credit hours, cross-referenced courses, and administrative.
Degree Audit Update
- With the exception of first-year students entering the UI fall 2017, all administratively run Orientation audits [ORIENTATION_DEGREE_AUDIT in MAUI and Orientation Audit in MyUI] will be archived beginning December 1, 2017. Once archived, these audits are accessible in MAUI using the Degree Audits > Audits - View Archived tab.
- For first-year students entering fall 2017 and forward, these audits will be archived one year after they were run.
- Students will be notified of this with a message on MyUI.
- If you have questions, please contact Curt Graff ( in the Office of the Registrar.
Iowa Graduation App Poster
The Commencement Team has created a Iowa Graduation App poster to hang across campus. If anybody would like to have a copy to hang in their office please contact Becky Keogh ( or Alysha Ahlf (
Future Meetings
The next meeting will be 2-3pm, Wednesday, December 6, 2017 in 2520-D UCC
All scheduled future meetings can be found on the Student Academic Services Users Group page on the Office of the Registrar Website.