Student Academic User Group Review Session

Time and Location: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 from 2 - 3:30 p.m in 2520D UCC.

The June Student Academic Services Users Group will be an informal overview of general MAUI architecture and the Office of the Registrar’s website with time for Questions and Answers.  We are planning on more in-depth training session for individual MAUI modules and those are listed at the bottom of the agenda

MAUI Overview

Brief demonstration of various pages in MAUI.

Academic Structure

Breakdown of pages found under Academic Structure under the Registrar Tab.

Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar contains date lookups for multiple colleges and units and is a combination of print dates, process dates, deadlines, and notifications.

  • Grade date lookups must be entered into the Grades Context to drive processes and can be found on the Grades tab.  
  • Not all date lookups on the Registrar tab are print dates.  Only print dates display on the Office of the Registrar website.
  • Five Year Date, Holiday Date, Restriction Date, and Print Date information can be found in the Date Lookup table in the left sidebar or by downloading to an Excel spreadsheet at the bottom of the calendar.
  •  Summer Subsession dates can be found by selecting Summer in the Session dropdown and then hovering over the More tab and selecting Subsessions.
  • The ability to add multiple categories to date lookups has just been introduced.  Soon there will be the ability to filter the Academic Calendar by specific categories depending on the type of dates you want to see.


  • Have a grouping similar to that of Faculty & Staff
  • Have the Summer Subsessions display on one table
Academic Organizations 

Hierarchical structure of units that make up the UI. Units offering Programs of Study and/or courses must be included (set up must be complete before POSs or courses can be created in MAUI). Attributes include:

  • Address, phone, email website
  • Administrators
  • MFK information.

Information is displayed on MyUI and used to manage academic workflow (MFKs and administrators)

Program of Study 

Definition - a combination of coursework and/or other activities organized to help the student achieve the specified objective.

  • All students will have at least one POS.
  • One POS is identified as primary.
  • Objective may be an academic degree, professional improvement, or personal development.
  • Declaration types include major, minor, certificate, non-degree, licensure preparation, and endorsement preparation.
  • A POS is made up of multiple attributes, including:
    • Effective Session (first session students are admitted to begin working on the POS).
    • Program
    • Program College and Curricular College
    • Academic Unit
    • Declaration Type
    • Objective
    • Level of Study
    • Thesis (Y/N)
    • CIP code for reporting purposes
    • Declarable by Student (Y/N) on MyUI
    • Learning Center
    • Qualifier  (note:  Learning Center and Qualifier are optional and are applied to individual student records as needed
  • To search in POS:
    • Select a unit from the Academic Unit dropdown list
    • Enter search criteria (legacy code, program, objective)
Access Rights
  • Registrar Related Roles
    • Academic Departmental Administrator - can view POS, student by POS advisor, submit Course Offerings, etc. 
    • Delegate for Instructor Academic Unit - can save and submit grades for instructor
    • Delegate for DEO Grades Approver - can approve grades as a DEO
  • For ADAs scoping to the areas that have that Program of Study.  
  • Access to MAUI Access Request Form

Miscellaneous MAUI Pages 

Brief overview of other MAUI pages.

Person Inspector- Tips and Tricks
  • Use of search terms (Last Name, First Name / First Name Last Name / HawkID / University ID, and others)
  • Can use * as a wildcard (i.e. searching for Last Name, * will bring up all persons with that last name and a search for jos* hutc* will display all persons with jos in their first name and hutc in their last)
  • Results dependent on name type chosen in the Filter By: option.
  • If need different population than what’s currently assigned to you, under MAUI access request form choose name and address and indicate in comments ability to search all.
  • If many results are returned, sort by HawkID as this indicates individual has a current relationship with the University.
  • Column display is customizable depending on what data elements you want to see – program of study display is forthcoming as a column to display per Becky.
Helpful Tools
  • Quick Links - are located at the top of individual pages and can be set/unset by clicking or unclicking the star icon.  Quick Links can be used across all areas within MAUI.
  • Quick Tabs - are located in the left sidebar in Person Inspector and can be reordered. 
  • Page Defaulting - you can set a Default Landing Page which will load every time you log back into MAUI Person Inspector.
  • Study by Program of Study - one of the most popular reports. Use Students by Program of Study report for majors & surveys.  Keep in mind this is a data warehouse pull so it is updated nightly. 
  • Class List Report - Can see everyone’s class list.  This report does not include the photo.   
  • General Education Report - NEW! Similar to the report that was in Infobank.
  • Course Enrollment Cross-tab Comparison - Similar to Course Enrollment Trend but shows 1st day, census, and last day. Again, similar to that of Infobank.
  • Degree Application Report - List of Degree Applicants and can also be found on the MAUI home page. 
  • Data Warehouse - We have a lot of reports out there, if you see that you are missing data in a current report or question if a report exists contact  If you are building a large number of report for your area, you can request Data Warehouse Access through the MAUI Access Request Form.  If you have specific data requests or are unable to build reports from the Data Warehouse you can contact or submit an Internal Student Data Request Form.


  • Add to report filters ability to save favorite reports.  Reorganization of the report categories types could be helpful. 
  • Student by Program of Study Report:
    • Currently criteria chosen is based on last use; users would like ability to save the criteria selection for future use.
    • Additional filters – Within overall criteria dropdown not have to choose UG or Grad; ability to use managing academic unit.
    • Make it possible to search for undergraduates, graduates, or both at once (this one already appears to be done; there is now an "any" option); and add an optional filter for "Managing Academic Unit."
  • General Education Report:
    • Indicate Admit Year 
  • Degree Application: 
    • Would like ability for multiple program selection rather than one by one.
    • Have advisors notified when student applies to graduate.  This is problematic as not all advisors want to be notified.  Report is available of Student – Degree Applications by Advisor.
    • Add report of Degree Applicants not currently enrolled.  There is Graduate College policy in place that student has to be enrolled in semester in which they receive their degree.

Office of the Registrar Webpage

  • All Registrar Forms have been compiled on the Reports page and are also located throughout the Registrar's website if they apply to that area. 
FERPA Information
  • FERPA information on the Office of the Registrar website has been restructured.  Student information can be found under the Academic Records tab and Faculty & Staff information can be found in the Faculty & Staff tab.
  • Further information will be posted under What Faculty and Staff Need to Know.  The Faculty & Staff FERPA Information also provides a link as to what is considered Directory Information.  Outside of Directory Information, would need student consent.
  • Academic Record Consent Form can be found in MyUI.
Reports and Statistics
  • Link to the Reports and Statistics page can found at bottom of page under Quick Links.  Take a few minutes to review what’s out there.  Link to Internal Data Request Form.  Within Reports & Statistics page archives are back 5 years.  Years prior to 5 years can be located within Iowa Research Online.  Map will show from where data searches have been done.

Questions and Suggestions:

Academic Calendar
  • Have grouping similar to that of faculty & staff. 
  • Would like to see Summer grouped by subsession.  Josh mentioned calendar will have filtering options.
General Catalog
  • Jan Brunstein coordinates Catalog training and can schedule group or individual sessions.
Help Screens
  • The help screens in Wiki don't seem to be very popular outside the Registrar's office so looking for ways to improve.
  • Provide help screens directly related to the page in MAUI so users don't have to search Wiki (or another platform).
  • Provide any "how to" instructions at the top of help screens instead of policies.
  • There was not a consensus if users preferred text, screenshots, or videos. Will try and develop content that will be mindful of all three ways to disseminate information.  
  • Step by Step instructions are helpful to new users and those who need a refresher.
  • Part of internal audit.  Much discussion followed.  Seeking clarification of the policy.
  • Seems to be an issue that textbook ISBN cannot be pasted into MAUI because the hyphens cause an issue.  We will look into this.
  • Suggestion from Karla Christensen that perhaps we add a field or checkmark that indicates that the order has been placed at the bookstore IF only the bookstore is listed.

Other Items

  • Possible to combining data between Admissions and Registrar’s data warehouse.  Becky was acknowledged “good to know”.
  • Campus data – Becky mentioned this is part of future vision of reports.

More In-depth Training to Come!

Please sign-up through Employee Self Service, sessions should be available for registration by June 1st.

  • Course Library/Approval:  June 21st @ 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. in 1245 SC
  • Course Offerings: June 28th @ 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. in 1245 SC
  • Registration and Grades: July 10th @ 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. in 1245 SC
  • Room Requests and Scheduling Exams: July 31st @ 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. in 2520D UCC