Student Academic Services Users Group March Meeting
Time and Location: 2-3pm, Wednesday, Febuary 1, 2017 2520D UCC - Add Meeting to Calendar (Clicking on Add Meeting to Calendar will download an iCal meeting invite which can be opened and added to your Outlook calendar)
- Tuition and Fees Rate Tables overview - David Johnson, Office of the Registrar
- Classroom Scheduling New Website - Renee Houser & Caroline Jens, Office of the Registrar
- Spring Commencement Sign-Up Form - Alysha Ahlf, Becky Keogh, Joshua Hutchison, & Sara Sullivan, Office of the Registrar
- New MAUI Feature: Narrowed Restriction Dropdown based on College and/or Academic Unit - Jessica Alberhasky & Elissa Thoman, Office of the Registrar
- Midterm Class Lists are open from March 2, to March 23, 2017
- Day/Time Registration Set-Up is scheduled for March 8.
- Summer Early Registration is March 6, to March 10, 2017.
Minutes from the January meeting are available on the Office of the Registrar website.