Student Academic Services Users Group March Meeting

Time and Location: 2-3pm, Wednesday, Febuary 1, 2017 2520D UCC - Add Meeting to Calendar (Clicking on Add Meeting to Calendar will download an iCal meeting invite which can be opened and added to your Outlook calendar)


  1. Tuition and Fees Rate Tables overview - David Johnson, Office of the Registrar
  2. Classroom Scheduling New Website - Renee Houser & Caroline Jens, Office of the Registrar
  3. Spring Commencement Sign-Up Form - Alysha Ahlf, Becky Keogh, Joshua Hutchison, & Sara Sullivan, Office of the Registrar
  4. New MAUI Feature: Narrowed Restriction Dropdown based on College and/or Academic Unit - Jessica Alberhasky & Elissa Thoman, Office of the Registrar


  • Midterm Class Lists are open from March 2, to March 23, 2017
  • Day/Time Registration Set-Up is scheduled for March 8.
  • Summer Early Registration is March 6, to March 10, 2017.

Minutes from the January meeting are available on the Office of the Registrar website.