Final exam assignment needs are submitted online via MAUI. Academic Department Administrators with course creation/edit access can submit final exam needs.
- Log into MAUI.
- Click on the Registrar tab at the top of the page.
- Under Course Management, click on Offerings Planner.
- Located on the left hand side of the screen under Planner Menu, select Exam Needs.
- Note: Departments will only be able to submit final exam assignment needs through this application during the submission period.
How to complete the "Final Exam Needs" Application
Select Subject
Select the subject for which you are the administrative home department in the Subject dropdown menu and then select Go.
Select Session
Select the applicable session from the drop-down menu on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Important Notes:
- Course section data is based on real time data.
- Only approved lecture and stand-alone course sections qualify to have final exam assignments given to them.
- Courses will only appear under their administrative home department and only the administrative home department may indicate the final exam assignment needs of a course section.
- All departments can view the final exam needs of any other department.
- Departments will only be able to submit final exam assignment needs through this application during the submission period. After the submission period, they may only view their submitted needs.
- Final exam assignment needs submitted for previous sessions through Infobank (Summer 2014-Fall 2015) are not available in MAUI. Beginning with Spring 2016, final exam assignment needs submissions will be retained in MAUI and will be viewable by selecting that session on the Final Exam Needs screen.
Select Course(s)
Select the Subject:Course for which you want to indicate final exam assignment needs.
- Courses that do not have completed final exam assignment needs will have a red X displayed in the Final Exam Assignment Needs Fully Submitted column. Courses whose final exam assignment needs have been completed will have a green check mark displayed in this column.
Designate Type of Exam Needs
Designate the type of final exam date/time assignment needed for a course section(s) by selecting the applicable Section Number(s) and the appropriate final exam assignment action: (1) Assign Individual Exam; (2) Assign Combined Exam; or (3) No Exam Assignment Needed.
- Final exam assignments may be used to administer written or oral examinations, course project presentations or discussions, paper/project/take-home exam due dates, course evaluations, or other discipline appropriate cumulative assessment methods as determined by the administrative home department in accordance with college and university policies.
- In order to change a requested exam assignment(s), you must delete it by selecting the X next to the applicable entry and then rebuild it as needed.
- Departments requesting to have an extension section, 0EX_, given a final exam assignment by the Office of the Registrar should make sure to notify the Division of Continuing Education of their intentions.
- If an exam will be scheduled by DOE (Distance and Online Education), indicate option (3) No Exam Assignment Needed.
- Departments who find it helpful to have additional course section details such as meeting dates and patterns while completing their assignment needs, may: (1) click on the section number to display that individual course section’s summary screen; or (2) view the “Course Offering - Course Sections for Final Exams” report located in MAUI under the Registrar area of the Reports dashboard which allows academic users to view the basic details for all of their scheduled course sections.
Designate Classroom Assignment Needs
Indicate the classroom needs preferred for each final exam assignment requested by selecting the applicable option in the Classroom Needs drop-down list: (1) No Registrar-Scheduled Classroom Needed; (2) Registrar-Scheduled Classroom with Single Seating Preferred; or (3) Registrar-Scheduled Classroom with Double Seating Preferred.
If the use of a university classroom will not be needed for the requested exam, select No Registrar-Scheduled Classroom Needed. This would include situations where either no classroom of any kind is needed, such as for a project deadline, or if a departmentally controlled location to be secured by the instructor or course administrative home department will be used.
If the use of a Level 1 classroom is needed, select the exam seating type of Registrar-Scheduled Classroom with Single Seating. In the Special Needs field, note which Level 1 classroom the exam should be assigned to.
If the use of a university classroom will be needed for the requested exam, select the exam seating type of either Registrar-Scheduled Classroom with Single Seating Preferred (one seat per student) or Registrar-Scheduled Classroom with Double Seating Preferred (two seats per student).
- All requests for university classroom accommodations will be made as classroom resources allow. Requests will be accommodated as fully as possible in as few rooms as possible and as close together as possible. Careful consideration should be taken when requesting double seating (two seats per student) as multiple classroom facilities will more than likely be assigned given the available university classroom pool and their seating capacities.
- To assist faculty with their exam arrangements, university classrooms with an actual seating capacity of 100 or more have been outfitted with seat and row number identifications. Seating layout plans for these rooms are available on the Classrooms website. Some faculty have found it possible to employ the use of single seating by using these layouts to create an assigned seating chart for their exam.
- Special classroom or scheduling needs for the requested exam may be included in the Special Needs column. This would include needs such as: the exam should be given a combined assignment with a different subject:course:section; the exam will be open book and would prefer table and chair seating if possible; no room is needed as students will be turning in projects to their instructor’s office; or a department room will be assigned for the exam.
- Requests to use specific university classrooms will only be given consideration in those situations where specialized equipment is required, such as TILE classroom usage.
Save the Request
Finally, click SAVE to save your final exam assignment needs. Departments may change their requested final exam assignment needs and re-save them any time during the submission period.
- The final exam assignment needs for all course sections within a subject should be completed by the administrative home department. In the event a department has not indicated the final exam assignment needs for a course section(s) by the submission deadline, the Registrar's Office will use Incomplete or No Information Scheduling Criteria.
Instructions with Screenshots
If you would like a .pdf of the Final Exam Assignment Needs Submission Instructions with pictures/screenshots, please email