Directory information consists of information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if publicly available. Directory Information is considered public and may be released without the student’s written permission, however cannot be released if the student has restricted access by updating their personal information in MyUI.
- Directory Information CANNOT include: race, gender, SSN (or part of the SSN), grades, GPA, country of citizenship, or religion. Except in very specific circumstances, a student ID number also cannot be considered directory information.
- Every student must be given the opportunity to “opt out” or have directory information
- suppressed from public release.
- A “no release” does NOT mean that a school official within the institution who has a demonstrated legitimate educational interest cannot access the information.
Directory Information includes:
- Name
- Residing Address
- Residing Telephone number
- Permanent/hometown Address
- Hometown and state
- UI e-mail address ( - Dean of Student Reporting Correct Residential Address and E-mail Address Policy
- University of Iowa Hawk ID
- Programs of study (including but not limited to: majors, minor, certificates, classification, and degree objective)
- College(s) enrolled in
- Dates of attendance
- Full-time/part-time enrollment status
- Photographs and video recordings of students in public or non-classroom settings (photographs from classrooms or class related activities are NOT directory information)
- Participation in a study abroad program, not including location
- Degrees, certificates, honors, scholarships and awards received, not including monetary amounts, including those applied for during the current academic term;
- Participation in officially recognized university activities and sports
- Job title, employing department, work phone number, and work address when employed in a position that requires student status
- Previously attended educational agencies or institutions
Students can restrict either their directory information (items 2 through 6 above), their academic information (items 7 through 11 above), or both. This is accomplished on MyUI, under Student Records, Student Life Management, Restrict or Unrestrict Student Information.
The Dean of Students office has additional student record policy and directory information.
Please note the Office of the Registrar will process requests to restrict the release of directory information. However, note some information already published/released may not be retractable with respect to a student’s change in restriction status. A request to restrict directory information will remain in effect until revoked by the student either by using the application on MyUI or in writing.
University Officials (Dean of Students, Registrar, Provost) may release non-directory information to a third party in the case of an emergency when knowledge of information is necessary to protect the health or safety of students or other persons.
Information must not be released to third parties outside of the University, including parents of students, without the student’s written consent. See the section titled “Parental Rights” for more information.