To: Collegiate and Departmental Administrators 

From: Chris Carlson - Office of the Registrar

Subject: Course Approval Workflow - Adjusted Schedule

Date: January 3, 2016

We have made another adjustment to our schedule for bringing up the new course approval forms in Universal Workflow. This will now occur on Monday night, January 9, rather than tonight.

I would recommend not submitting course approval forms until after the conversion on the 9th, unless you have an urgent need related to Winter Session. We will discuss the transition at the next Student Academic Services Users Group meeting on Tuesday, January 10.

If you have questions about the forms, please contact me. If you have questions about Universal Workflow, please refer to online help in the workflow system or contact Jessica Alberhasky. You may also contact the ITS Help Desk (319-384-4357 or with workflow questions.

Thanks for your patience during this transition.
