MyUI remains Open for Adds through the last day of the semester/session.

Beginning the 6th day of the fall/spring semester or the 1st day of summer/winter session please use the "initiate add" request in course browse of MyUI, follow the steps in MyUI and obtain the required permissions/authorizations.

  1. Log-in to MyUI
  2. Click on Courses/Registration in the yellow banner

Courses and registration tab in gold bar
  1. Select Current Session 
  2. Click on Add Course link (above your schedule)

add course link
  1. Browse for course, click Initiate Add Request 

initiate add link
  1. Review permissions required and click Continue 

list of permissions required, advisor, department, dean
  1. Review acknowledgments (deadlines and warnings)
  2. Click I agree to obtain required permissions - this means you agree to contact offices needed after you have completed the steps in this add request  - see #10.  
    • Some courses will require students to select related sections 
    • Student must complete all steps (3 to 5 steps) before the add will be initiated

image of warning message and deadlines
  1. Once steps are completed Click Go back to Dashboard 

return to dashboard button
  1. Contact each permission needed and ask for approval. If granted the permission will be authorized on-line.
  2. After the last permission is authorized online, the student will receive an email and MyUI message letting them know they have 24 hours to process the add
    • Only one set of messages will be sent at the beginning of the 24-hour time period. Multiple messages will not be sent during those 24 hours as is the case with waitlist offers 
  3. Click Complete Add in MyUI and review warning

complete add link
  1. Click Continue

warning message and blue continue button
  1. Click Add  

add button

Student will see message that they have successfully added the course

Student can cancel during any step or remove pending add if they no longer need to add the course.

Required permissions to add: Advisor and department/instructor permission. Advisor is not required for students who are admitted to the Tippie College of Business. 

After last day to add without dean approval, students must also obtain appropriate dean signature. The course deadline look-up provides course specific deadlines.

  • Undergraduates: Degree- and nondegree-seeking students need collegiate approval from the college that the course is offered in. Each course description in MyUI lists the college the course is offered in.
  • Graduates: Degree- and nondegree-seeking students need collegiate approval from the Graduate College.
  • Professional: Need collegiate approval from the college the student is enrolled in.

Collegiate Office contact information

Courses that have a section number which contains 0EX are managed by Distance and Online Education (DOE). Please visit the DOE website for other available options to submit adds once MyUI has closed. These options are only for courses with an 0EX section.

Semester/session has ended - If change is for a semester/session that has ended, please begin the process at your Collegiate office.