Follett Discover User Guide
The Iowa Hawk Shop and University Bookstore utilizes Follett Discover, a system where departmental administrators and faculty can place textbook/resource orders online.
Follett Discover Demo
- Visit the Follett Discover Demo
- Email: instructor2253
- Password: bet
Sign in to Follett Discover
To login to your activated Follett Adopt account
- Click on the link sent to your email account
- Create a password
- Click the ‘Sign In’ button
Already have an account:
- Visit: https://uiowa.follettdiscover.com/log_in
- Login with your campus email and password
Sign in to Follett Discover via ICON
Visit ICON:
- Sign into your Account
- Scroll down to "Courses" on the Dashboard and click on the link
- Scroll down until you see Follett Discover and click on the link
View Course Listings
To view all sections in a course:
- Click on the "Manage by Section" line
- Click on the "Separate" button
- Then all sections will be listed

Resource Details and Types
After searching for a resource, click the blue "view details" button to see additional information.

The "view details" page elements include: book description, eBook availability, usage at other colleges/universities and review from other faculty.

Resource types include Publisher Materials, Supplies and OER.

Adopt Materials
There are 4 options to adopt materials into your course:
- Research the materials within the course
- Upload and Create materials
- Re-Adopt saved materials from your library
- Adding a title not found in your search
- To add a new title, you will need the following:
- Author
- Title
- Publisher
- To add a new title, you will need the following:
Have additional instructions for your students?
- Click the ‘Add’ button
- Enter the information and save

Adopt Materials While Viewing a Resource
Within the individual resource detail panel fill in the department, term, course, and material usage information through the drop-down prompts. Then click the ‘Adopt’ button to adopt it into your course.

Change or Update an Adoption
From the course dashboard:
- Scroll to the class that needs the adoption changed and click on the course title link
- To change a specific title, click on the ‘View Details’ button of an adoption
- If the material usage needs to be changed, click on the dropdown arrow
- Select the usage the adoption needs to be listed as and click the ‘apply changes’ button
- Or if the adoption needs to be deleted, click the ‘remove’ link
- Then click ‘yes’ to the prompted question

Within a course section:
- If you know the ISBN, enter it into the top search bar and click ‘Adopt’
- If you don’t know the ISBN, enter a general subject (ex. Math, English) into the second search bar and click the ‘Discover for this course’ button
- If you will not be using any materials or will be using OER materials, select the option line you need
Re-Adopt Previously Used Materials
- From the home page, click on the ‘My Library’ Link
- Scroll down to the Quick Re-Adopt tab
- Click on the ‘Copy’ button
- Select the materials you want to adopt
- Use the drop-down menu to select the department and term
- Select all courses to adopt the material
- Click the ‘Adopt Materials’ button
Helpful Tips
- Always add a title/supply/OER material into your library. It will make adopting materials in the future much easier.
- When your search results populate, sort them by ‘relevance’. It helps to bring the specific materials you’re looking for to the top.
- ex: using word search Jane Eyre, top results will list books with only ‘Jane’ or ‘Eyre’ as the title. After sorting the results by relevance, versions of Bronte’s Jane Eyre populate to the top of the list.